Belen Goju Ryu Uniform Patch LayOut


Fold the Uniform Top as Shown before Pinning Patches on the Uniform.  This ensures the patches look correct when top is being worn.

Do Not Use Bleach when laundering.

  This will turn the patches brown

The ironing and all adhesive glues do not last up to the physical training and laundering.  Some like to iron patches in place instead of pinning but


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Chojun Miyagi's Fist

Red Kanji translates:

Top three - Goju Ryu (Hard Soft System)

Bottom three- Karate do (Empty Hand way)


United States of America flag

Our Kan (house) Patch

The helmet represents our daughter and all who serve in our armed forces.  We practice to defend ourselves, our families, our community, andour country.  We are proud Americans, thus the American flag background.  Our systems' (Goju Ryu) root is White Crane Kung Fu, by Fang Quiniang,  which is represented by the figure the crane pose.  The three rivets in the helmet represent Body, Mind, and Spirit which are the three battles of our fundamental kata of Goju Ryu, Sanchin.